maandag 17 mei 2010

c h a n g e

Okay, this is one of the craziest days of the last 3 years? Defenately. A friend of me has to leave the school because it's for shure she is not able to get her certificate. So, we were just talking and after a while she was talking about her next school. And I'm in love too! I wanna go to that school too! And I know, I'm in love with photography, but I'm nog a typ for the artacademy, you know. So, I think its better for me to have a second opinion. And I think this is the one. He's in english by the way. Exciting! If i'm gonna make it I can work all around the world. That's what I want! End up in the USA. For shure. Okay, now you are wondering what kind of education it is huh? International Event Managment. At the Albeda College at Rotterdam. I can organize festivals and partys for companies. And make shure that the foot is there and the drinks are there. I've to find the location and everything. Sounds great to me! I can choose. Or just another year on 'High School' for nothing, because I know I can't make it to tha Artacademy. Or next schoolyear go to another school. I don't know yet. I have allready spoken with my parents about it. And they say I've to do it if I really want though. Hmmm, it's hard if it's maybe the importants dicision of your lifetime. I've to leave my friends of 'High School', but I think I'm better of in Rotterdam and my friend who's gonna do this education too is there, you know. And she's a real good friend to me. That's important too. I've think sleep a night about it. And maybe I'm gonna talk with my tutor or something? What should I do? Go for my biggest passion of life? Or go for the easy way and choose for this education I've told you about?

1 opmerking:

  1. You should always follow your dreams and passions - maybe other options seem easier but they aren't if you're not interested in them.
    Of course, being with your friend and getting an amazing education is very important, especially these days, but being successful in field of your interest is more important.
    Or so I think. :)
    I hope you'll make a decision you're happy with.

